Thursday, August 09, 2012


I'm not going to weigh in on the ad from a pro-Obama super PAC that blames Mitt Romney and Bain Capital for the cancer death of the wife of Joe Soptic, a GST Steel employee until Bain bought the company. However, I do want to direct your attention to this line in a post critical of the ad by Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit:
More... Soptic chose not to insure wife at post-GST job.
Click on that link and you get a Free Republic excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article about the ad.

So, when Hoft says Soptic "chose not to insure" his wife, what does that mean? Here's what it means, according to the Journal:
Mr. Soptic said that after he lost his job, he found work as a school custodian about six months later and had the option to put her on his insurance plan. But he opted not to, he said, because he could not afford the more than $350 monthly premium on the $25,000 salary he was making, on top of paying his mortgage and a daughter's college tuition.
That, to a right-winger, is a "choice" to forgo health insurance -- presumably no different from the choice of chocolate over vanilla at an ice-cream parlor.

That's how right-wingers think. That's why they're a menace to the well-being of ordinary Americans.