From Politico:
An Ohio congressional candidate put President Barack Obama in the company of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong in a tweet on Sunday.But those aren't the only highlights in Agana's Twitter feed. It turns out she also thinks Obama is a Manchurian candidate:
"History has a way of repeating itself: Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and now Obama!!!" Marisha Agana wrote.
Replying to an angry Twitter user, she clarified on Monday morning: "@madest I am sorry if I made a poor choice of analogy but I was referring to his pro-abortion stance!"
... Agana, a Republican, is running against Democrat Tim Ryan in Ohio's 13th Congressional District.
Beware of people who rose meteorically from nowhere like Obama.His agenda has been carefully planned 4 him!!!
— Dr. Marisha Agana (@MarishaAgana) August 5, 2012
But I guess it's not surprising that she's of a conspiratorial bent -- look who's chairing her campaign:
Larry Nichols, of the Clinton Chronicles is my campaign chair!Together we will re-take the congressional seat of OH 13!!!
— Dr. Marisha Agana (@MarishaAgana) August 1, 2012
Yup -- that guy, one of the guys who brought you the "documentary" that accused Clinton of a range of crimes from cocaine-dealing to murder, is chairing a GOP congressional candidate's campaign.
Nice party you got there, Republicans.
Oh, by the way, Agana is a pediatrician. Hide the babies! And I mean that literally.
(Via Memeorandum.)