Wednesday, August 01, 2012


You know what I'm not seeing a lot of in the collections of photos from Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day? Non-white people. Now, I'm not saying they're absent, but I'm looking at photo pages and slideshows at Michelle Malkin's Twitchy and the NOM Blog and Fox News and Glenn Becvk's Blaze and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and, well, I see a hell of a lot of white people, and, in maybe a third of the crowd photos, a handful of people who aren't white.

This strikes me as odd because I remember hearing on several occasions over the years that blacks and Hispanics are a natural constituency of the Republican Party precisely because a large percentage of them are devout Christians and social conservatives. Blacks in particular are reputed to be very anti-gay, although recent polling on that has been decidedly mixed.

Now, I agree that there are a lot of devout black and Hispanic Christians in America, and that quite a few blacks and Hispanics aren't comfortable with gay marriage. So the fact that the crowds in the photos seem very, very white means that either (a) the organizers of Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day didn't communicate their message very well across racial lines or (b) even gay-averse non-whites don't think that liberal opposition to Chick-fil-A means they're coming for all of us next!!1!1!!! If you're non-white in this country, you probably have a pretty good idea what real persecution is, and you probably don't believe that the anti-Chick-fil-A posturing of a few big-city pols mean that all the churches in America are going to be shut down soon and it's going to be illegal to believe in Jesus. That's the kind of belief that's largely confined to white people (which doesn't speak well for my race). And that's the kind of belief that drove the crowds out today.