See, in normal states, extremist reich-wingnuts running as independents in races where the repug had the advantage would have state Democratic officials shouting "Hallelujah!" and pouring money and volunteers and everything else they can find into the Democratic candidate's campaign.
Not in Kentucky.
Scott Wartman at
Graphic anti-abortion television ads with images of aborted fetuses that ran in the Cincinnati market during the Super Bowl will likely return in the fall.And from the repug-led Kentucky Democratic Party?
Two anti-abortion activists, David Lewis and Andrew Beacham, filed Tuesday to run as independents for Congress in Kentucky.
Lewis, 27, of Batavia, ran the anti-abortion ads in his candidacy against Speaker of the House John Boehner earlier this year in the Republican Primary. He said he will run the ads again in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky markets now that he filed for Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District against Republican Thomas Massie and Democrat Bill Adkins.
Beacham, 29, of Elkhart, Ind., filed for Kentucky’s 2nd Congressional District against Republican incumbent Brett Guthrie, Democratic challenger David Lynn Williams and Libertarian Craig Astor. Beacham gained notoriety for ripping pages out of a Koran in front of the White House.
In the Second District, it's hard to blame them. David Lynn Williams is a perennial loser who delights in choosing races where he can cause the maximum damage to Democratic hopes. No one - not even the most rabid anti-Guthrie repug-haters - wants him to win.
But it is certainly the state party's fault that no real Democrat ran against him in the primary.
In the Fourth, however, Bill Adkins is a Real Democrat who is running a pro-Obama campaign. In racist, repug-heavy Northern Kentucky he didn't stand a chance against billionaire-supported teabagger darling Thomas Massie.
Now Lewis' entry into the race gives Adkins a chance. Not a great chance, but a chance.
If only the Kentucky Democratic Party were in the business of electing actual Democratic candidates.