Didn't expect to see
Paul Ryan get heckled in Iowa at his first solo appearance on the campaign trail of tears. WaPo's
Felicia Sonmez tweets from the scene: "Absolute chaos here at Ryan event. Protesters keep shouting stop the war on the middle class. Ryan keeps going." Stage was rushed. Protesters arrested. Video at the first link.
Meanwhile, Ryan has already mastered the art of dodging the press:
Ryan spoke for only 13 of the customary 20 minutes on the soapbox stage and did not take any questions.
As reporters walked alongside him asking questions — including about the region's devastating drought — Ryan declined to answer most of them, saying, "We can play 'stump the VP later.'"
Probably be taking unscripted questions about when hell freezes over. Meanwhile, the twitter tells me his first
ritual tongue bath solo interview will be conducted by Brit Hume. Just another "bold" choice. Unclear as to when the campaign will let him venture into more challenging territory. At the moment I see more cancelled appearances in Florida in his future.
[Cross posted at
The Impolitic. Also posting fresh content daily at
The Detroit News.]