I don't want to go Brian Ross on you -- I don't know that this is correct* -- but I'm seeing this at the blog of the Southern Poverty Law Center:
The man who allegedly murdered six people at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee yesterday, identified in media reports as Wade Michael Page, was a frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band.This tweeter directs us to End Apathy's MySpace page.
In 2010, Page, then the leader of the band End Apathy, gave an interview to the white supremacist website Label 56....
Page told the website that he had been a part of the white power music scene since 2000, when he left his native Colorado on a motorcycle. He attended white power concerts in Georgia, North Carolina, West Virginia and Colorado. At various times, he said, he also played in the hate rock bands Youngland (2001-2003), Celtic Warrior, Radikahl, Max Resist, Intimidation One, Aggressive Force and Blue Eyed Devils....
I haven't seen definitive evidence that this guy, who always seems to be ID'd only as "Wade," is Wade Michael Page, the man identified as the temple shooter. But according to the interview, End Apathy shares (or shared) band members with a group called Definite Hate, including (according to this Definite Hate interview) a guitarist named Wade.
That would suggest that Wade is the guitarist on this tune -- and I don't think you'll have to click on the link to get the point:
Or maybe Wade was the bass player on that. "Wade -- bass player for Definite Hate" is listed as a onetime member of Youngland in this interview, which appears at a site titled "WAU Australia: United to Preserve the Beauty - Heritage and Culture of Our Race." ("WAU" stands for "Women for Aryan Unity.")
Let me repeat: I don't know if this is the shooter or not.
It may just be a different sick bastard named Wade.
MORE: Whoever this Wade guy is claims to have played with a band called Max Resist. That would be this Max Resist:
AND: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel adds:
Heidi Beirich, director of the [SPLC]'s intelligence project, said her group had been tracking Page since 2000, when he tried to purchase goods from the National Alliance, a well-known hate group.SPLC was tracking him -- yeah, but heaven forbid the ATF should track someone like this, right?
The National Alliance was led by William Pierce, who was the author of "The Turner Diaries." The book depicts a violent revolution in the United States leading to an overthrow of the federal government and, ultimately, a race war. Parts of the book were found in Timothy McVeigh's getaway car after the bombing of the federal building Oklahoma City in 1995.
*UPDATE -- CONFIRMED: The FBI just released a photo of Wade. The FBI's guy sure looks a hell of a lot like the guy on the left in this band photo, so, yeah, it's the same guy.