I'm sure you saw Public Policy Polling's conspiracy theory survey, which told us, among other things, that "13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters." World Net Daily reviews the results of that poll, noting (among other things) that Obama looks a lot like the guy who played the devil in the History Channel miniseries The Bible -- and also noting that Obama sometimes encounters flies:
... Earlier, prophecy websites had a field day after Obama sparred with a fly, and it was reported he's had a history of attracting flies during interviews. Religious and other websites noted that a biblical term for Satan, the Semitic deity Beelzebub, literally translates from Hebrew into "Lord of the Flies."Look, I've run across a lot of reasons why people hate or fear Barack Obama. But the fact that he occasionally has perfectly ordinary encounters with common household insects is a new one on me.
...Obama's encounters with flies earlier drew attention.
"This guy is bothering me here," said Obama, who repeatedly swatted at a large black fly buzzing near his face during a speech.
The London Telegraph noted a White House pool report said "the president spoke for about five minutes while being menaced by a house fly."
It was not the president's first brush with a fly while the cameras were rolling. In 2010, Obama halted a speech about health care reform as a fly zipped around him. During a June 2009 CNBC interview, Obama killed a fly on camera.
During a 2008 campaign appearance, Obama halted a local interview after a swarm of flies had gathered around him....