Friday, April 05, 2013


I don't know if this could really happen, but I hope it does:
Tony Perkins floated as possible candidate for Louisiana Senate seat

As Republicans search for a candidate to challenge Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu in 2014, some conservatives are floating a familiar face: Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council.

While multiple GOP sources tell The Daily Caller they think Perkins is interested in a campaign, other Republicans in Louisiana and Washington say they haven't heard anything about Perkins gearing up for a run.

Other conservatives in the Christian conservative community are reacting favorably to the idea....
I hope the 2014 Senate field for the GOP is literally 100% nutjobs. I hope they're all as far right as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I hope it's Steve King and Paul Broun and Joe Miller and this guy. I hope some teabagger beats Mitch McConnell in the primary by dubbing him a liberal. I hope this happens coast to coast.

I know that even this probably won't work, but if anything could get the Beltway establishment, and thus the general public, to grasp that maybe, possibly, the Republican Party as currently configured is a menace to American society, it would be the systematic replacement of all of its arguably within-the-pale politicians with the most batshit-crazy extremists.

And yeah, I know that some of these clowns could win in their states, including Perkins. But the only way it might become clear to the establishment and public that the GOP is crazy is if there's no one left in the party's front ranks to provide a veneer of respectability, because they've all been replaced by lunatics.

Tony Perkins defended Todd Akin after he talked about "legitimate rape." Perkins (head of an anti-gay organization dubbed a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center) thinks gay youths who kill themselves do so because they know they're "abnormal," and he's denounced what he regarded as unacceptably pro-gay actions by the people who make Mike & Ike candies and the makers of a Star Wars game. He's reported to have once bought a mailing list from David Duke as the manager of a Senate candidate's campaign, and he once made a speech before the racist Council of Conservative Citizens.

Run, Tony, run!

(Via Pam Spaulding.)