Sunday, April 14, 2013


OK, so the gun bill that's up for consideration in the Senate allows transfers of guns between spouses without a background check. And as you know, different states have different laws these days about what gender a spouse can be, depending on your own gender.

Put all that together, and ... what's the latest attack on the gun bill from the right? Why, it's an attempted attack from the left:

Fox Nation's source is a Daily Caller story:
Gay couples living in states that do not recognize their marriage will now be unable to transfer firearm ownership to their partners without undergoing a background check, should federal gun legislation recently proposed by Democratic Sen. Harry Reid become law.

According to the "Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013," which was introduced in the Senate this week, only couples in a government-sanctioned relationships will be allowed to privately transfer ownership of their firearms without first having to pass the federal background check....
You have to hand it to these bastards -- they're endlessly inventive. Imagine how much good they could do if they put half as much effort into improving this country as they do into devising new ways to demonize their opponents.

Never mind that the fact sheet issued by the senators who negotiated the bill clearly states:
As under current law, transfers between family, friends, and neighbors do not require background checks. You can give or sell a gun to your brother, your neighbor, your coworker without a background check. You can post a gun for sale on the cork bulletin board at your church or your job without a background check.
I'm happy to concede that the person who spends every night on the other side of your bed is your neighbor if your state won't define that person as your spouse.

Chatmingly, the Daily Caller story is illustrated with this photo:

Though maybe that's not really offensive, given the fact that there's an actual gay gun group called the Pink Pistols (which, incidentally, is pushing this specious line of argument.) You laugh, but the Pink Pistols get much respect over at Free Republic -- they hate liberals, and that's all that matters.