We lost Roger Ebert today. I see that over at Free Republic they're mourning him in their inimitable way:
One thumb up for the amusing, witty film reviews, at least until late in his life ...I wrote less-than-sympathetic posts about Christopher Hitchens and Ed Koch after their deaths -- but they were thoroughly political men and full-time provocateurs. Roger Ebert was -- for all the shots he may have taken at Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and the tea party -- a freaking film critic. If you can crank up the hate for Ebert, if you imagine him burning in hell just because you disagreed with his political opinions, then the dark rot in your soul when you think about people you don't agree with who engage in politics full-time must be utterly abhorrent. Take a breath, people.
and one thumb down for his late-in-life spew of leftist hatred.
He was a visceral man. I hope he repented in the end.
I will NOT have ANYTHING good to say about him for Him, His "Industry" and the "Industry" that he reported on accelerated the ROT of our once-GREAT Country. He will stand before the "Great White Throne" to give an account of his life and receive JUDGEMENT!
The sequester cuts to the cost of Medicaid cancer treatments killed him.Elections have consequences.
He was hate-filled liberal.
Who?? Like I give a carp.
(that's my review)
No tears shed here. I here it's pretty warm where he is right now.
Did he EVER get around to reviewing Obama 2016?
one less libtard
I wish I could say that I missed him but I never had the chance to shoot at him so that just won't be true.
He became a vile and nasty man carrying around that elite thing that so many of those on the left strut their stuff with. He deserves to rot in hell. Good riddens.
I have to say that I feel the same about the death of Roger Ebert. Further, I extend that negativity to the demise of all, especially free born American citizens, who have, are and will continue to betray this Republic. Low information voters know the difference between right and wrong so I include them as well. Refraining from saying anything bad about those who die with their unrepentant betrayal of America intact is the best I can do.