A story at the DC:
IRONY: Car jacked by Muslim terrorist suspects had 'COEXIST' bumper stickerYeah, I had a "COEXIST" bumper sticker once. Then Eric Rudolph started killing people, so I removed the sticker, because I realized that all Christians are evil.
A vehicle that was carjacked early Friday morning by the suspects of Monday's terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon has the "COEXIST" sticker affixed to its bumper.
The bumper sticker ... spells out "COEXIST" using the Islamic moon, a peace symbol, a gender symbol, the Star of David, a pagan symbol, a ying-yang and a cross....
(No, that didn't really happen. i'm making a joke -- or, you could say, using irony.)
Oh, and it's yin-yang, not ying-yang, idiot.