Monday, April 22, 2013


Right-wingers think it's hilarious that the AP is reporting this:
A Massachusetts police official say the brothers suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon before having shootouts with authorities didn't have gun permits....

He says it's unclear whether either ever applied and the applications aren't considered public records.

But he says the 19-year-old Dzhokhar (joh-KHAR') would have been denied a permit because of his age. Only people 21 or older are allowed gun licenses in Massachusetts....
We get this from Doug Ross at Director Blue:
A perplexed Associated Depress reluctantly reports....

So let's pass some more gun control laws, right, progressive nitwits?
And Weasel Zippers snickers:
Big surprise. You mean they weren't adhering to the law?
No, they weren't adhering to the gun laws. But you know what? They weren't adhering to the bomb laws, either.

So, since laws didn't stop these two people from making bombs and using them for mass murder and amputation, let's get rid of all of our fascist, anti-freedom bomb laws. Let's allow Americans to buy or construct large, intimidating bombs without the evil government breathing down their necks. Let's permit concealed carry of bombs -- with every state that allows concealed carry of bombs required to give a concealed-carry bomb permit to whoever has a carry permit in the most permissive state. We need more states allowing open carry of bombs, too.

And shouldn't we also make it legal to sell bombs over the Internet, or in the parking lot of gun shows, with no violation of the law, and no government oversight?

After all, the only thing that can stop a couple of bad guys with multiple pressure-cooker bombs is a bunch of good guys with pressure-cooker bombs. Right?

Ultimately, why even have laws against terrorism? Laws didn't stop the 9/11 hijackers, or the Fort Hood shooter, or the would-be shoe bomber or underwear bomber or Times Square bomber. Laws only deter law-abiding citizens; evil people don't respect laws.

So let's make terrorism legal. Because freedom.