Dave Weigel wrote a post last night titled "Why the Conspiracy Theorists Will Have a Tough Time With Boston." His reasons: the event had a lot of witnesses and was caught by a lot of cameras; bad information is easily debunked these days (compared to, say, the pre-Twitter era of 9/11); the bombing doesn't seem to help any politician with a pet project; and even the conspiracy theories we have now, when we know very little, are easy to debunk.
I wish I had Weigel's faith in human nature, especially the human nature of those on the far right (and the even further right). He seems to think that a politician has to achieve (or at least pursue) an actual goal in the aftermath of an event in order for a conspiracy theory to form around that event.
But that's not how the far right operates. On the far right, Obama's desire for totalitarian control is a given, despite the lack of any evidence. Thus, we get this passage in a conspiracy blog post by Mike Adams that I'm seeing linked on various right-wing sites:
This looks more and more like a planned event to justify a TSA lockdownThat "civilian national security force" line has made right-wingers' heads explode since Obama uttered it during the 2008 campaign. He was actually talking about emphasizing diplomacy and other "soft power" tools of foreign policy, rather than relying just on Cheneyesque wars, but the wingers freaked out. They still think there's going to be some sort of paramilitary "Obama Youth" in the streets -- possibly involving the Black Panthers or "urban" "flash mobs." Oh, and the notion that massive amounts of ammo are being amassed by the administration for use stateside is rampant on the right -- this is the first time I've seen the TSA specifically described as the center of the plot, but usually the focus is on the Department of Homeland Security (run, of course, by Janet Napolitano, who's regularly called "Big Sis" by both Matt Drudge and Alex Jones).
Although it's still a bit early to know for certain, this looks more and more like a planned event that was deployed by the Boston bomb squad, called a "drill," then used as a pretext for the President to call for TSA agents to be on the streets at all future sporting events.
And that, in turn, is the run-up to the TSA occupation of America, which has always been the goal of Obama. Remember that back on the campaign trail, he announced he wanted to build a "civilian national security force."
Click here to watch the video where Obama says:
"We've gotta have a civilian national security force that's just a powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded..."
The fastest way to build a domestic national security force is to stage domestic bombings as a pretext. More and more, that seems to be what unfolded today in Boston.
Remember, too, that DHS has now purchased over 2 billion rounds of ammunition to be used domestically, against the American people. (The number was 1.6 but has now been upgraded to over 2 billion.)
If a culprit isn't found for a while (or if a right-wing culprit is found), this kind of talk will persist on the far right. And if there's any tightening of security anywhere in America, or if DHS buys any more ammo, or is even rumored to be buying any more ammo, or if any federal gun bill whatsoever passes (everything, after all, is related to guns), then there'll be more of this.