This morning a teabag/ALEC-puppet state legislator from Arkansas, Nate Bell, tweeted this:

A number of people have invited Mr. Bell up north to discuss the matter in person:

Mr. Bell has now sort of apologized, although the apology's multiple references to "timing" suggests that Mr. Bell just thinks he ought to have chosen a different moment to inform us Northerners what effete pantywaists we are:
I would like to apologize to the people of Boston & Massachusetts for the poor timing of my tweet earlier this morning. As a staunch and unwavering supporter of the individual right to self defense, I expressed my point of view without thinking of its effect on those still in time of crisis. In hindsight, given the ongoing tragedy that is still unfolding, I regret the poor choice of timing. Please know that my thoughts and prayers were with the people of Boston overnight and will continue as they recover from this tragedy.This is not the first time Mr. Bell has tweeted in an impolitic manner. In what is apparently now a rite of passage for all true conservatives, he once compared Democrats to Hitler on Twitter, quoting the Fuhrer when Democrats did something he disliked:

What was extra-special about this Hitler comparison is that Bell made it because Democrats were supporting a bill to ban cellphone use by drivers in school zones. (The bill has since become law. No extermination camps are known to exist at this time in the state. (Oh, and by the way, the Hitler quote is a fabrication.)
Bell can be seen on YouTube describing a bill he favors that would assert state supremacy over federal law in a number of areas. In the video, he enumerates some of the areas in which he thinks the feds might push Arkansans around:
This would include areas such as -- I can give you some examples. It would affect gun rights in the state of Arkansas, it would affect -- reflect same-sex marriage laws in the state of Arkansas, it would reflect whether or not sharia would be mandated to be practiced or taught in the public schools....Emphasis added. And, really, that's all I need to know about this guy: that he thinks someday the evil feds will mandate sharia in his state. So he's an idiot and he insulted the people of my birth city. He can stick his apology where the sun doesn't shine.