Can right-wingers turn anything into a reason for hating Barack Obama? Let's see ... Margaret Thatcher's death? Sure they can. Check out the Twitter feed of Fox's Todd Starnes:
Still no statement from the WH on the passing of Thatcher. 9:14 a.m. eastern
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
Perhaps someone could wake up the president and let him know Margaret Thatcher has died.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
GWBush: "Prime Minister Thatcher is a great example of strength and character." Still nothing from Obama 9:24 a.m.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
In Obama's defense -- Thatcher was governing during his "Choom Gang" years - so he probably has no idea who she is.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
9:45 a.m. - still no response from Obama on the passing of Thatcher.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
Boehner: "The greatest peacetime prime minister in British history is dead." 9:48 - still no Obama
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
Rubio: “As someone who grew up in the Ronald Reagan era, I admired the special bond he had with Margaret Thatcher. Obama: <zzz>
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
RNC: "In the face of Communism, she stood for freedom, winning an ally to her side in President Reagan." 9:57 still nothing from Obama
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
It's been more than 2 hours since Thatcher passed and still no response from Obama. #shameful
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) April 8, 2013
These people are insane.
UPDATE: Happy now, Todd?
Obama reacts to Margaret Thatcher's death…
— HuffPost Politics (@HuffPostPol) April 8, 2013
Let's see if anyone on the right acknowledges that the president made no mention of political differences with Thatcher. Compare the statement by Labour Party leader Ed Milliband:
"I send my deep condolences to Lady Thatcher's family, in particular Mark and Carol Thatcher.
"She will be remembered as a unique figure. She reshaped the politics of a whole generation. She was Britain's first woman Prime Minister. She moved the centre ground of British politics and was a huge figure on the world stage.
"The Labour Party disagreed with much of what she did and she will always remain a controversial figure. But we can disagree and also greatly respect her political achievements and her personal strength.
"She also defined the politics of the 1980s. David Cameron, Nick Clegg and I all grew up in a politics shaped by Lady Thatcher. We took different paths but with her as the crucial figure of that era.
"She coped with her final, difficult years with dignity and courage. Critics and supporters will remember her in her prime."