Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Or maybe I should say this is what Republicans think all interviews of Republicans should be like. Here are the questions right-wing radio blowhard Hugh Hewitt asked Palin yesterday. You want "deference"? You got it:

HH: Governor, your candidacy has ignited extreme hostility, even some hatred on the left and in some parts of the media. Are you surprised? And what do you attribute this reaction to?

HH: Now Governor, the Gibson and the Couric interview struck many as sort of pop quizzes designed to embarrass you as opposed to interviews. Do you share that opinion?

HH: Have you followed the attacks on you, say, via Drudge or the blogs? Some of them are just made up and out of left field, others are just mocking. Do you follow those?

HH: Governor, you mentioned the people who are struggling right now. Have you and your husband, Todd, ever faced tough economic times where you had to sit around a kitchen table and make tough choices?

HH: Governor, when you say things are tight right now, is that simply because of Todd being off not working? Or is it because of extraordinary demands on the fiscal resources of the Palin family? What's the situation there?

HH: Governor, let's turn to a couple of issues that the MSM's not going to pick up. You're pro-life, and how much of the virulent opposition to you on the left do you attribute to your pro-life position, and maybe even to the birth of, your decision, your and Todd's decision to have Trig?

HH: Do you think the mainstream media and the left understands your religious faith, Governor Palin?

HH: Governor, let's close with some foreign affairs. It is reported that you had an Israeli flag in your governor's office. You wore an Israeli flag pin occasionally. One, is that true? And two, why your support for Israel?

HH: Last question, Governor. Have you and Todd heard from your son? And how is it on your nerves having your son deployed?

That's the complete list of questions. That's what all journalism would be like in the wingnut utopia.

(Via TBogg.)

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