Andrew Breitbart is dead, according to one of his online waste dumps -- and no, it's apparently not a joke. I've never been particularly obsessed with the reprehensible sonofabitch, so you'll probably get more trenchant commentary elsewhere. Me, I'm just looking at his Twitter feed for the last 24 hours. A representative selection:
I called you a putz cause I thought you werebeing intentionally disingenuous. If not I apologize.
Apologize for WHAT?
What 'felony', genius? Getting senator's aides to admit she lied when not answering constituents calls claiming busted phones?
That's certainly not what the judge's ruling was, putz.
You know this. All know this: It's called projection. But no one believes you believe it. Trolling is your livelihood.
Shame? I am exultant over Susan Sarandon's near half-century nude actressing experience. Quite frankly, who isn't?
Are doubting yet your Anonymous/Hacker/TimWise/Rauhauser-consorting 'secret' source & how he/she has brought to you ideas/docs?
Wheres that on my site, wannabe ThinkTanker paranoid Verizon-guy-fearing horrible @mmfa month-having H8 crime fetishist freak?
Check out Media Matters History of Coordinating w malicious lying non-journalist @DavidShuster to attack enemies
Shuster10: a) you are not journalist b) truth is you intended to tap her phones c) its felony d) you will go to prison
Be honest. Bad couple of weeks, freaks. Right?
Spending your final hours on earth yelling at people with your thumbs. Wow, that was a life well lived.
UPDATE: This is absolutely brilliant. It should be chiseled on his tombstone.
UPDATE: Those of us who are chortling are being upbraided for doing so -- by the Washington Examiner, by Andrew Sullivan. But meanwhile, James Poniewozik unearths this quote:
"I liked being hated more than I liked being liked," Breitbart said in a 2010 profile by Steve Oney for TIME.
So, really, when we say "Rot in hell," we're just doing him a favor.