Monday, November 21, 2011


The headline on this new Gallup poll of the GOP race is that Gingrich is now neck-and-neck with Romney -- but what I find fascinating is the fact if voting were limited to Republicans and Republican-leaners under 50, Herman Cain would be leading the race. Still!

Cain's tied for first among 18-29-year-olds (with Ron Paul, naturally; Mitt is in third place and Newt is in single digits in that age group). Among 30-49-year-olds, Cain's in the lead outright. It's only when you get to older groups that Cain's support declines, and then, among 65-and-overs, it drops off a cliff.

I don't know what's bothering the oldsters. The failure to grasp basic facts? The quest for non-marital sex? The quest for non-consensual sex? For interracial sex? I wondered whether oldsters in general were less inclined to support Cain all along, which might suggest they're struggling with his blackness, but they seemed fairly supportive back in October, according to this October 14 Gallup poll.

What's amazing to me is the persistence of support among under-50s. They really are the Fox/talk-radio Kool-Aid drinkers; if Charles Manson were being attacked by liberals and defended by Limbaugh and Hannity, they'd be shaving their heads in solidarity.


c u n d gulag said...

"...if Charles Manson were being attacked by liberals and defended by Limbaugh and Hannity, they'd be shaving their heads in solidarity."


They already like the idea that one of Manson's followers took a shot at a President.
Ok, he was a Republican President. But that's not the case today!

c u n d gulag said...

FYI - I just my comment rejected due to some 'system failure.'
Just thought you might want to know.

BH said...

Parochially speaking, the sweet numbers on that chart come after the name "Perry". Bwahaha... single-digit-ville everywhere except the spottily-voting 18-29ers, & even there barely into double digits. At this rate, not only will he never get to debate Pelosi, but he won't even be debating other GOPers for very long. Couldn't happen to a nicer zero.