
(From the Facebook page of the shooting sports magazine AmmoLand. School Shield is the recent NRA task force proposal for the mass arming of teachers and other school personnel with weapons ranging from "sidearms, to shotguns, to AR-15s.")
UPDATE, MONDAY: Commenter Chris Ekman says:
That's a Mike Peters cartoon, only it originally was anti-NRA - AmmoLand just swapped the before and after panels, and stuck in the School Shield logo to hide Peters' signature. Hacktacular!True -- the original is here and here.

Sue, Mike, sue.
UPDATE, TUESDAY: AmmoLand has removed the plagiarized, reworked cartoon.
Well, at least it's pretty creative.
These people are delusional.
And, again, "what aimai said..."
AGAIN!!! ;-)
Creating their own reality, I see.
No folks it isn't delusional! (the product of a mentally ill mind(s)) There must have been several people involved . It was a well practised (diversionary and corralling of “their sheeple” ) strategy.
What it is is insidious, malevolent, immoral in societal terms.... and all for a profit and the power that brings.
Remember tell a lie often enough and with conviction and the ignorant will believe it …. it will become part of the urban myths that form our culture.
Consider the truth about the eulogised cowboy wild west and the gun fights most were either non existent or so fantasised/ exaggerated they don't bear any relationship with the truth.
Take for example sake the repeating rifle that won the civil war and “Won the West (sic)” it wasn't a Remington or a Winchester. But it was used to defeat Custer at his “last stand”. Also it was disease both deliberate and circumstantial, corruption leading to starvation in obscene “reservations, and planned local genocides by the “heroic(sic) Pioneers” white that killed far far more native Americans.
The point is the whole fire arm culture is base lies and myths to manufacture, bolster justify the Urban 'pioneering' spirit of today. It is also a concerted amoral (capitalistic) strategy of those who benefit most from arms sales.
What I find most concerning is that the constant lie technique is desensitising the public to the encroachment of Capitalism's amorality superimposing on the morality of society
The true cowboy, the original "cow boy", the Buckaroo, the Baquerro, the Vaquerro, was from Mexico, and was here two hundred years before the white dog. Yeah ex, you're, the gunfights, the "Indian" fights... all bullshit. A lie propegated by a corporate media fully participant in the rewriting of history, because it is in a position to get away with.it.The Henry rifle didn't the west, smallpox amd syphillis "won the west".
Thanks Ex, I needed that.
No fear.
That's a Mike Peters cartoon, only it originally was anti-NRA - AmmoLand just swapped the before and after panels, and stuck in the School Shield logo to hide Peters' signature. Hacktacular!
Thanks! See the update.
There is a lesson in this anywhere else in the world (where capitalists don't have such a hold over the legislative arm) Ammoland would be sued for misuse of intellectual property and professional plagiarism. ( not accrediting , not getting permission,or paying royalties.
In Sweden , England and Aust they'd be forced to publish a retraction and an apology and sued.
One can ask why in America it is against copy right etc to use other works when a person or business does this to corporately own Intellectual property . But when the "right" does it it's fair game? Mike Peters should sue sue sue NRA and Ammoland. Force NRA to cut Ammoland adrift. (cause a rift in their funding source).
Money talks and both will here.
Alan Gardener at The Daily Cartoonist has a comment from Mike Peters:
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