Thursday, June 30, 2011


My Mark Halperin post is here.


I'd also like to add this Halperin gem, sent to me via e-mail, from February 2008, back when John Edwards was dropping out of the Democratic contest for president and Clinton and Obama were still duking it out:

Sirius Radio just sent out a press release with some excerpts from last night's Barbara Live, featuring world-famous journalist Barbara Walters. My assumption is that Sirius is proud of the dialog that took place between Walters, her cohost Bill Geddie, and Mark Halperin, Time's senior political analyst, who joined Walters and Geddie to discuss the presidential campaign. But should you really be proud of this?
HALPERIN [discussing John Edwards' potential endorsement of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama]: I can tell you, he's really skeptical of her ability to be the kind of president he wants. But, he kinda thinks Obama is...he thinks Obama is kind of a pussy...He has real questions about Obama's toughness, his readiness for the office.

A Shavian wit, this Halperin, no?

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