Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs has been slinging Muslim-hate in the blogosphere for, what, nearly six years? And only now, after all this time, has a fatwa been placed on her head -- on Twitter, no less?
Make #dua for #Pamela #Geller to be executed. Her transgressions have gone on long enough. She screams violence. Pray she experiences it.
D. Aristophanes of Sadly, No! asks,
How is it that Pamela Geller managed to stay fatwa-free for so very, very long in the first place?
I'm amused by D.'s explanation (she's a secret Islamofascist herself!), but I'm sticking with the theory that we should look at the oh-so-convenient timing of this death threat: it appeared on the morning of July 28 -- exactly one day after the publication date of the book she just wrote with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, The Post-American Presidency.
Now, maybe you think she's not clever enough to create a fake Twitter jihadist whose many tweets include a well-timed death threat (and a couple of follow-ups). But she is quite the self-promoter -- as I noted in May, she got a hell of a lot of media attention for ads her group Stop the Islamization of America put up on New York City buses encouraging Muslims to leave Islam (the organization's Web site included prominent advertising for the book). This past week, coinciding with the book's release date, there was even more media attention as the ads spread to other cities.
Is it working? I'd say no. Right-wing books are selling like hotcakes these days, but The Post-American Presidency is mired at #438 at Amazon as I type.
I wonder how she'll try to up the ante if the book doesn't catch on. I'm betting on a fake assassination attempt.