Friday, August 20, 2010


OK, despite her hometown's struggle with drugs, no one has ever seriously accused Sarah Palin herself of dealing meth. And while she made some unpleasant moves regarding libraries as mayor of Wasilla, she never actually had the books on that widely circulated list banned from Wasilla's library.

And Palin didn't actually say, "I can see Russia from my house!" -- that was Tina Fey. And, of course, the best evidence we have says that Palin is, in fact, Trig's mother, not his grandmother.

But I think we have every right to refer to Palin as a meth-dealing book-banner who lies about maternity and says she can see Russia from her property.

After all, we feel these things are true. We feel they should be true. And that gives us a right to demand that objective reality defer to our feelings.

Which is precisely how Palin feels about the Cordoba House/Park51 project:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) called out The Associated Press on Twitter Thursday for its decision to avoid the term "Ground Zero mosque" in its coverage....

"(Note to AP: GZM term)," she said, emphasizing her use of "Ground Zero mosque" to refer to the project.

The AP had directed its staff in a memo earlier in the day not to use the term....

(Palin's tweet is here.)

The proposed site of the "Ground Zero mosque" isn't at Ground Zero. According to the plans for the "Ground Zero mosque," the mosque will be a small part of the building.

But, according to Palin, AP should be forced to say "Ground Zero mosque" because "Ground Zero mosque" feels right to Palin -- the meth-dealing book-banner who lies about maternity and says she can see Russia from her property.