Thursday, September 07, 2006

Kyle at People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch quotes a new letter from the anti-abortion group Fidelis to "Catholic Leaders." The letter shows how the Christian right's usual get-out-the-vote focus on litmus-tested judges is being folded into the all-terrorism-all-the-time message of Karl Rove. I've reproduced Kyle's bolding of the anti-abortion code words:

...there is one thing that all of us can agree upon respecting the broader war on terror: there is real value to efforts that identify and frustrate domestic threats and thereby prevent the loss of innocent life. No one can reasonably dispute, for example, that the resources our government expends to collect intelligence and data in order to break up a terror plot is premised on the individual dignity and worth of every human person....

Today, when the Senate approved the confirmation of another Federal appeals judge, we were reminded of how important the judges battle is to a war on terror effort that successfully protects innocent human life....

We need to remind our friends and family, as they reflect upon the stakes in the upcoming Congressional elections, that we need a Senate that understands the way in which counter-terrorism can advance human dignity, and that understands the importance of confirming judges who won't frustrate those efforts at protecting innocent human life because of their own political views about the war on terror....

In other words:

Waterboarding and warrantless wiretapping -- do it for the fetuses.

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