They exist in one place, and one place only: in the fevered imaginations of right-wingers.
...If they start prosecuting journalists, it’ll lend surface credibility to all the whining about creeping fascism. Some independents will respond to that, and we’re in a tough enough position electorally right now that that’s not a risk that should be taken lightly. Would you prefer having an obstructionist Democratic Congress passing presidential censure resolutions to mark the occasion every time one of these articles is published?
Oh, that's rich. Democrats in Congress actually defending newspapers that expose illegal usurpations of power? And maintaining enough party discipline to get such resolutions passed?
Stop, you're killing me.
The guy quoted above also says,
Fifty percent of the population is fighting a war on Bush
-- and, well, there it is: half of America is guilty of treason, according to right-wing logic. (To right-wingers, "war on Bush" is shorthand for "war against the war against terrorists." No criticism of means and methods is permitted.) One might imagine that if we could get to 50.1% we'd get to determine what's in the best interests of the country, but these are parlous times, so I assume we simply can't let democracy get in the way.
(Source of quotes above: comment at the link time-stamped June 23, 2006 at 9:20 PM.)