Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I keep wondering what would happen if the Democrats framed the Iraq debate using language we already know is politically potent: the language of public assistance.

What would happen if pro-pullout Democrats, accused of advocating a "cut and run" strategy, simply changed the metaphor and said Iraqis need to know there's a limit to our "security welfare"?

You'll say that the presence of U.S. troops is making Iraqis less secure, but never mind: the official line is that Iraqis still need us to keep order -- and maybe that should just be called "welfare." Americans hate "welfare." They hate "government handouts." Republicans trained Americans to hate "welfare" and "government handouts." These Republican language-weapons could be turned against Republicans.

Democrats could talk about the "culture of dependency" our deployment is creating. Those for whom the way of speaking comes naturally (not you, Senator Kerry) could talk about ending the Iraqis' dependence on "Uncle Sugar."

Just a thought.