Thursday, June 29, 2006


Check out the reaction to the Supreme Court's Hamdan decision by Oak Leaf at Polipundit:

(FLASH) Instrument of Surrender Signed by SCOTUS

This morning, the United States of America signed the instrument of surrender with al Queda and all affiliated terror organizations. The signatories representing the United States were Anthony Kennedy, Steven Bryer, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Ginsburg and David Souter.

The reason for this unconditional surrender was that while the Supreme Court Justices "support the troops" and particpate in drives to send old magazines to soldiers, they do not "Trust the Troops."...

I wasted 12 months of my life in Afgahnistan for this.

Support by the military in the GWOT is going to collapse.

This opinion will go from a ripple to a wave throughout the uniformed military. We were slapped by John McCain last December. Today, we are slapped by the Supreme Court. This afternoon, I am removing myself from the volunteer list at Human Resources Command-St. Louis to re-deploy. I will not be the only one.

UPDATE: I have received three e mails so far from guys in Afgahnistan on my ".mil" e mail. The sentiment is as follows:

$%^& the supreme court. They have no idea what we are going through. Major xxxxxxxxx

My third tour for what? SHIT!!! Captain xxxxxxxxxx

I want to go home to my family now. Master Sergeant xxxxxxxxx

Unbelievable -- the Supreme Court wants the provisions for dealing with suspected terrorists to stay within the rule of law and these guys want to take their ball and go home.

(But maybe I shouldn't blame them -- after all, the right-wing noise machine, including mid-Atlantic headquarters in the White House, has been telling them for years that the only alternative to Bush dictatorship is total surrender to Pure Evil. It's understandable that these guys don't think there's anything in the middle.)