It appalls me to think it might happen, but I wonder if Karl Rove will recognize that the brutal deaths of Privates Thomas Tucker and Kristian Menchaca may have greater potential to motivate his party's base than more positive developments such as the formation of the new Iraqi government and the killing of Zarqawi.
The folks over at "know" who really killed and mutilated these two soldiers: John Murtha and The New York Times:
We need to let fighters fight -- and we need seditious Congress members and "journalists" in the dock! Start with Sandy Berger and Pinch Sulzberger.
The MSM is more concerned about Muslims who get pink panties put over their heads.
Next up, the NY Times editorializing on the torture at Gitmo. Time's cover on the horrors of Haditha. Newsweek's scoop on how Bush lied.
They know exactly what to do to turn Murtha, Kerry, Reid etc into blithering idiots. I hold them an others like him for their death. THEY are the ones that encourage such subhuman activities. How many others have died and will die due the the encouragement given to the enemy????
Well, you know what the MSM will say, that this was done because of the grave US abuses at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and Haditha. So the US will still be to blame, once again. And Murtha and Co. will say this is more evidence that the US is not wanted.
And after Sandy Berger is frog marched away, a fighter jet on maneuvers should take out the NY Times as the mouthpiece for the terrorists.
It's also time to fight back against the fifth column inside the US that would condemn us all to the slavery of communism/socialism or the barbarism of Islam.
Perhaps if we could defeat the media savages and their political brethren first we could move on to finding the terrorists in Iraq without so much trouble. One thing that is beginning to tell the real story is the media and the democrats has found themselves with no place to hide. Their statements and actions are printed in indelible ink and splashed across the pages of America on a daily basis. The Democrats have had ample countless chances to back away from the media's lies but have chosen not to. They've essentially said..."Ta' Hell with America, We're with the terrorists", Media and 'Rats...we've known this from the gitgo! Count your days as numbered!
Eventually, as Kevin Baker argued recently in Harper's, the right in America will fully embrace the notion that what went wrong in Iraq was the result of a "stab in the back" from effite liberals who hate America. The Lucianne crowd clearly isn't waiting for "eventually" -- and that's the crowd Rove needs to drive to the polls in November.
Rove isn't going to admit defeat anytime soon, or even acknowledge that the war plan isn't working, but this is a bloody shirt he could wave while still claiming that victory is in sight -- and I wonder if he'll do just that. I wonder if the the soft-fleshed little noncombatant will invoke these two young men the next time he gives one of his Democrat-baiting neo-McCarthyite war speeches. Or maybe he'll wait till late October or the first couple of days of November.