Awesome -- Zarqawi left behind a document saying he was the biggest screw-up in all Jihadistan!
The document describes "the current bleak situation" and says, "Time is now beginning to be of service to the American forces and harmful to the resistance."...
The document cites the improved Iraqi national guard, massive arrest operations, a crackdown on financial contributions, as reasons for the crisis.
And guess where this document was found? ABC's Brian Ross will tell you:
Iraq's National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie produced the document this morning in Baghdad, saying it was found on a computer disk in Zarqawi's pants.
His pants! Ha-ha! Just like Sandy Berger! Hilarity ensues!
Er, unless what we're being told about this oh-so-conveniently gloomy pants document isn't true:
Iraqi officials said there was no question of the document's authenticity.
"Well, if I find something in your pockets, then that's authentic, isn't it?" al-Rubaie said.
But U.S. officials said the document was not, in fact, found on or near Zarqawi's body but in a raid three weeks earlier on other targets.
"But as far an analysis, we haven't done it yet," U.S. Major General William Caldwell said.
And the English translation was devoid of the usual elaborate phrasing and religious references typical of previous al Qaeda and Zarqawi communications.
"This letter clearly stands out in its language from all the letters that we know Zarqawi has written or has received," Alexis Debat, Senior Fellow at the Nixon Center and an ABC News consultant, said.
Oh, but come on! Shouldn't we just believe? After all, Bush needs a win, and any story that links the bad guy and the word "pants" is just too good to check!