Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Neal Boortz explains to us that it's not just the 9/11 widows -- guess who else can't be criticized?

The fact is that in her general comments about these 9/11 widows, Coulter got it essentially right. The left most definitely has refined the technique of taking someone deserving of a great deal of public sympathy, and then turning that person into a propaganda machine for the left. The obvious goal here is to create a spokesman that cannot be attacked ... one who's essentially bulletproof....

When you think about it, Hillary Clinton has even approached this bulletproof status in some ways. She's a woman, and she's a woman who has endured public humiliation at the hands of her philandering husband. As such, some would say that she is beyond criticism.

Yeah, she certainly is beyond criticism, isn't she? Why, no one would ever even dream of uttering an unkind or unflattering word about her.