Jake Tapper, ABC News podcast, June 9, 2006:
She [Ann Coulter] has a -- she has a perfectly acceptable argument, a perfectly intelligent argument in her book Godless....
And the argument is that the Democratic Party and the liberals constantly bring out spokespeople whom [sic] are unassailable: Cindy Sheehan, John Murtha, the 9-11 widows, etc. And -- and it becomes -- any time you question what they're saying -- "How dare you question these people?" And that's a -- that's a perfectly respectable and honest argument.
Jake Tapper, Salon, August 25, 2000:
Meanwhile, another independent, pro-[George H. W.] Bush group, Committee for the Presidency, funded a $2 million speaking tour [in 1988] headlined by Clifford Barnes and Donna Fournier Cuomo, the sister of [Willie] Horton's original murder victim, around the country. The Committee for the Presidency, formed by a Los Angeles GOP consultant with -- again -- no direct or provable ties to the Bush campaign, also broadcast two ads, one with Barnes claiming that "Mike Dukakis and Willie Horton changed our lives forever," the other with Cuomo saying that "Dukakis let killers out of prison ... Willie Horton stabbed my teenage brother 19 times." Though there was no evidence of any collusion between any of these independent groups and the Bush campaign, Atwater had told GOP officials, "By the time this election is over, Willie Horton will be a household name."
The use of tear-jerking "spokespeople whom [sic] are unassailable" in recent American presidential politics began with Willie Horton; not only does Tapper know this, he once wrote about it, for crissakes. Yet he feigns amnesia and parrots Coulter's line, wrinkling his nose as if this is an unsavory new practice dreamed up by those awful Democrats just a couple of years ago.
What a GOP whore Tapper is.