Friday, June 16, 2006


Coulter's description of John Murtha in a recent interview:

"The reason soldiers invented 'fragging.'"

I don't really have the time to do it, but I think -- for lazy journalists -- there's a real need for a Web site called "Ann Coulter Body Count." It would total up the number of people Ann Coulter has said deserve to be killed (e.g., Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and all of these people). Where she's demanded mass casualties, an attempt would be made to estimate the bloodshed. Anyone who wants to take this idea and run with it, be my guest.

Just for my own edification as a New Yorker, and in order to grasp the depths of Coulter's depravity, I'd particularly like to see an estimate of the bloodshed if a Timothy McVeigh-style truck bomb really had been driven up to the New York Times building, a scenario that was one of Coulter's most gleeful fantasies. Keep in mind that the Times building doesn't stand alone on a plaza -- it's on a narrow side street where buildings are wedged together, offering the potential, I think, for some nasty collateral damage. Also note that the OKC bombing happened at 9:03 A.M -- a time when, on a typical weekday in New York, there are still a lot of people streaming to work. (New Yorkers tend to get to the office a bit late and then stay late.) I don't want to go asking around about this -- that's all I need, to be the weird guy who wants some demolition expert's opinion on how much damage a fertilizer bomb could do to a New York office building -- but I've always wondered about this. It was an appalling thing to say, and she's never paid in the slightest for saying it -- it would be interesting to know how much death she was really talking about.


UPDATE: Here's Mickey Kaus in Slate a couple of days ago, comparing Ann Coulter to Kos:

I rag on Markos Moulitsas for his 2004 "screw them" comment about the four American security contractors killed in Fallujah. That comment was more offensive than anything Ann Coulter's book is currently being criticized for.

Right -- pull up the worst remark from Kos ever, but limit your Coulter search to what's in her current book, excluding her past remarks and, for instance, what she's saying in interviews now (see the Murtha quote above).

Yeah, that's fair.