Monday, June 05, 2006

Righty blogger Cori Dauber at Rantingprofs:

There has been far too little attention paid in the American media to what has been uncovered about Saddam's victims. Little reporting about the testimony at his trial, and little testimony about the work excavating the mass graves found in the country, so I'm glad to see this front-page, above the fold story in today's Times about the forensic teams working on the mass graves around the country.

Righty blogger Gaius at Blue Crab Boulevard:

Frankly, This Surprises Me

I honestly would not have believed the New York Times would publish a story about the mass graves being unearthed in Iraq where victims of Saddam Hussein were disposed of.

Then I guess you'll be really surprised to learn that this is the second Times story about the search by Michael Trimble's team for evidence of Saddam's mass killings -- here's the first -- or that Trimble's work has been covered by The Boston Globe, MSNBC, The Telegraph, Agence France-Presse, and USA Today.

For more New York Times reports on mass graves in Iraq, try this.

I know, I know -- for the right, that isn't enough. The right wants images of the mass graves playing on telescreens everywhere in America 24/7, along with all the positive postwar stories it says "MSM" journalists ignore. I'm grateful to Frank Rich for noting this yesterday:

Now more than 70 journalists have died in Iraq, more than in any modern war, including two members of a CBS News crew killed in the bombing that injured the correspondent Kimberly Dozier. This tragedy ... took place on Memorial Day, which Ms. Dozier was honoring by trying to do one of those Iraq "good news" stories that the administration faults the press for ignoring: the story of an American soldier who, despite having been injured, was "fighting on in memory of those who have fallen," as she had e-mailed colleagues.

You know what, reporters? Don't bother. Whatever you do, it'll never be enough for the right.