Iraqi lawmakers struggling to form the new cabinet are considering outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi to head the powerful Interior Ministry even though he has no seat in the new parliament, an official close to the talks said Monday.
The official said Mr. Chalabi's name has been put forward by various political groups largely because he is an independent and not affiliated with any of the country's various militias....
So I guess this, from the fall of '04, has all been forgotten:
After falling out with the Americans last spring, Mr. Chalabi has recast himself as a pious Shiite and is pursuing a coalition with [Moqtada al-]Sadr, who has a zealous following.
Chalabi -- next time, try a wooden stake through the heart.
UPDATE: Another possibility:
Several politicians also said the Shiite coalition would probably appoint the minister of finance and that Ahmad Chalabi, the onetime Pentagon favorite, was in the running.
A convicted embezzler as finance minister. Great.