Monday, May 22, 2006

I didn't even realize it was possible to suppress a speech that had already been delivered once three days earlier and another time three days before that, in both cases without major incident. My thanks to John McCain's newfound far-right pals at the Wall Street Journal editorial page for identifying this heretofore unknown superhuman power apparently possessed by "the angry Left" -- the power to retroactively undo a speech act. (I'm informed that the time-reversal suppression did not, in fact, take place, but it was a near thing.)

I knew we were the gold standard for brutally efficient political combat in the opinion of the Journal editorial page, which has more than once predicted doom for the GOP unless Republicans "fight like Democrats," but I didn't realize we had the power to alter the laws of the universe. I guess that's why we've dominated politics in America for the past quarter century.