When right-to-lifers say "no exceptions for rape or incest," that, of course, extends to Darfur:
A leader of a United Nations lobbying group says women who have been victimized in the difficult and brutal conflict in Darfur, Sudan should be given abortions, especially if they have been raped. Tamara Fetters, a researcher for Ipas, a population control advocacy group, says all refugee health facilities should be doing abortions....
Wendy Wright, the president of Concerned Women for America, tells LifeNews.com this is another case where abortion advocates are out of touch with the needs of women.
"These poor women have already been viciously violated. Yet political agitators are using refugee women as props to push a second violation -- abortion -- upon them," she said....
She said abortion advocates should be ashamed that they are "using the desperate situation in Sudan, which has riveted the world’s attention, to hijack for their own callous purposes."
Oh, this is not a case of pro-choice Westerners imposing their cultural values:
Abortions are legal in Chad to save the life of a woman or protect her health and Sudanese law allows abortions to save the mother's life or in cases of rape that has occurred not more than 90 days before when the woman wants an abortion.