Saturday, May 13, 2006


From "Rove Revamps the Republican Strategy," by Howard Fineman, Newsweek Online, May 10, 2006:

Then there is the attention being paid -- and it's just starting -- to obscure Democratic characters such as Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

... before this election season is over, Republican and conservative voters are going to know a lot about Conyers. To hear the GOP tell it, the impeachment of the president will be the number one priority if Conyers gets his say, which of course Rep. Nancy Pelosi will be only too happy to give him.

Righty columnist and radio host Dennis Praeger on CNN's Larry King Live, May 12, 2006:

PRAGER: ...I think that most Republicans will not act like children and say because I didn't get everything I wanted from my party, I will stay home [on Election Day]. Some will. I don't consider that particularly sophisticated or mature, but so be it. People are very emotional creatures and they may not show up that day. By and large, the thought of John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi running the Congress will push Republicans to vote.