Conservatives who are supporting Harriet Miers, or who believe they might support her, are pointing to her deep involvement in her Dallas church, Valley View Christian. Here's Marvin Olasky favorably quoting her former pastor there, Ron Key, and citing an account of her church work from Martin Hecht, a pro-life Texas Supreme Court justice who's dated Miers and remains a friend. The former pastor says, "Our church is strong for life.... We believe in the biblical approach to marriage."
But here's a passage from the church's Web site:
We try not to be dogmatic about matters on which believers hold divergent views. Our core beliefs are centered in Christ and His message as supported by Scripture. More obscure doctrine, as well as controversial issues about which the Bible is silent, are left to believers to sort out on their own. On these issues we take no official/dogmatic position.
Jeez, no wonder a lot of the right-wing hard core is freaking.