Weird story:
Strong, Sweet Smell Reported in Manhattan
New York City has many odors, but when the city began to smell a little too good, New Yorkers became alarmed.
Residents from the southern tip of Manhattan to the Upper West Side nearly 10 miles north called a city hot line to report a strong odor Thursday night that most compared to maple syrup, The New York Times reported Friday....
Air tests haven't turned up anything harmful, but the source was still a mystery....
"It's like maple syrup. With Eggos (waffles). Or pancakes," Arturo Padilla told The Times as he walked in Lower Manhattan. "It's pleasant."
This is true. I smelled it last night (as did this guy). I didn't even think it was an odor -- I thought it some weird sinus thing.
Before Michelle Malkin picks up the story and concocts some bizarre theory about border-jumping Islamofascist terrorist waffle-makers, let me assure you that I feel fine.
(Link via Memeorandum.)