Monday, October 14, 2013


New York Post, September 20, 2013:
Chicago gun carnage a 'snapshot of NYC's future'

Thirteen people, including a 3-year-old boy, were shot in a Chicago park -- and police sources in the Big Apple fear similar bloodshed here as NYPD cops become increasingly handcuffed by the recent stop-and-frisk ruling.

On Thursday night, gangbangers -- including at least one armed with a high-powered military-style rifle -- opened fire near Cornell Square Park in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, police say....

Sources in New York predicted that the chances of a similar mass shooting here will increase with the layers of oversight a federal judge has imposed on the NYPD.

"Absolutely, a massive shooting like that could happen here. It's definitely not uncommon," an NYPD source said.

"There are a lot of guns out there, and we’re not allowed to take them off the street anymore."

Shootings "will be trending upwards," the source predicted....
New York Post today:
Death takes a holiday: NYC had a murder-free week

There have been zero murders in all of New York City since last Sunday, according to a release from the Office of the Mayor.

Through October 13th, there have been 256 murders in the city in 2013 compared to 346 during the same time period in 2012, a 26 percent drop....

Overall, murders involving guns were down 28.8% compared to the same point last year where there were 208....
Two words that don't appear in the latter article: "stop" and "frisk."

A curious omission, don't you think?