Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Oh: More Like This Please. (From Esquire)

This actually jumps off the same Roll Call story I linked to earlier this morning.  I am hoping we are seeing the birth of a Democratic Party which goes on the offense, rather than plays defense.  The right thing to do with all of these showdowns is always to throw everything back on the table and actually demand more from the other side.  Not only that but every time the Republicans send back a dirty CR the Senate should send one back with an added month or two.  Two can play at the "here's my negotiating stance--I'll take a yard this time" game.  
I also spoke to a leading Democratic congresscritter over the weekend who told me that, very soon, the Democrats in the Senate will start going through the sequester line-by-line, demanding public votes on funding things like medical research and environmental protections, and sticking Republicans with a choice of being for or against curing, say, Alzheimer's Disease or cancer. As someone who thought the sequester not merely stupid but Beltway stupid, I applaud this decision as well. Forcing people into uncomfortable votes works both ways. Making John Boehner cry should be a bipartisan affair.
Read more: Democrats Thinking Of Leaking Boehner Staff Emails - The Democrats Are Bringing Guns To A Gunfight - Esquire Follow us: @Esquiremag on Twitter | Esquire on Facebook Visit us at Esquire.comhttp://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/democrats-thinking-of-leaking-boehner-staff-emails-100113