Saturday, October 19, 2013


I see via the Twitter feed of a right-wing blogger known as the Mad Jewess that Ted Cruz has been endorsed for president by a group known as the Jewish Task Force, which was founded by a former member of the Jewish Defense League who's a convicted terrorist:

The JTF is a bit of a joke, but its founder has a rather colorful history:
Victor Vancier (born December 25, 1956), commonly referred to by his Hebrew name, Chaim Ben Pesach ... is an American political activist and the founder and director ... of the United States-based Kahanist organization, Jewish Task Force (JTF) ... and the former National Chairman of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) in the United States.... In 1987, he was convicted on charges related to a series of terrorist bombings conducted during his time with the JDL to protest Soviet treatment of Jews.... He served over five years in federal prison for his involvement in 18 bombings in New York and Washington....

Vancier is the current head of the Jewish Task Force, a Kahanist organization in the United States.... Vancier created JTF in 1991, since Irv Rubin started to dissociate the JDL from Vancier because his terrorist activities had harmed their reputation.... The Jewish Task Force raises money for the claimed purpose of funding Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, ... puts on television programs through Public-access television cable TV and runs a website with the stated goal of saving Israel, America, and the West.... Vancier is banned from entering Israel because of his terrorist acts....
Years ago I occasionally watched the JTF public access show, which was usually just Vancier/Ben Pesach delivering a nonstop Michael Savage-revved-to-11 rant describing every Jew to his left (including, frequently, Elie Wiesel) as a traitor to the Jewish people, and referring to every non-white as a "cock-a-roach," or far worse. YouTube has a number of videos of the show, including this one from 2004, in which Vancier/Ben Pesach talks about then-Senate candidate Barack Obama in his typically gutter-racist way (of Obama's father: "The black African Muslim did what most black men do, according to all statistics: he abandoned his child").

I'm not blaming Cruz for this -- presidential aspirants sometimes get embarrassing unsolicited endorsements. On the other hand, I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cruz would be stupid enough to welcome endorsements from groups of this kind.