(UPDATE, MONDAY MORNING: See below -- I told you it would be Perry.)
Perhaps you've seen this story:
CNN political analyst Dana Loesch celebrated the U.S. Marines who appear to have urinated on the bodies of dead Taliban members during her radio show on Thursday.
"Now we have a bunch of progressives that are talking smack about our military because there were marines caught urinating on corpses, Taliban corpses," Loesch said during her radio program on FM News Talk 97.1. "Can someone explain to me if there's supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter? Someone who, as part of an organization, murdered over 3,000 Americans? I'd drop trou and do it too. That's me though. I want a million cool points for these guys. Is that harsh to say? Come on people, this is a war. What do people think this is?"
Since we're talking about an act of desecration in so flippant a fashion, I'll be flippant, too, and ask: Who do you think will be the first Republican candidate for president to embrace this viewpoint? No, not Donald Trump -- he's not a Republican candidate anymore, though he is 100% in agreement with Loesch.
(Love that "Semper Fi!" Trump clearly hopes his fans will overlook the fact that he's a Vietnam-era chickenhawk.)
No, my vote is for Rick Perry. He's always had a what-the-hell attitude when it comes to signing on to extremist positions, and, really, what has he got to lose?
Meanwhile, Loesch herself attempts a defense over at Breitbart's Big Government with a bit of I'm rubber, you're glue:
If "desecration" is a concern for progressives, where was their outrage when the remains of over 200 Air Force members were dumped in a landfill?
Where was it, Dana? Here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. Want me to find you some more, Dana?