Friday, October 02, 2009


Well, the schadenfreude was predictable:

When the International Olympic Committee voted against Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics this morning -- after the President and First Lady flew to Copenhagen to push for it in person -- the Weekly Standard newsroom burst into applause.

"Cheers erupt at Weekly Standard world headquarters," wrote editor John McCormack in a post titled "Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!" ...

"Chicago and Tokyo eliminated. No Obamalypics," Michelle Malkin tweeted, following up with, "Game over on Obamalympics. Next up, Obamacare."

"Please, please let me break this news to you. It's so sweet," said Glenn Beck on his radio show....

Ah, but just imagine the right-wing reaction if Chicago's experience had been a rerun of London's four years ago:

LONDON, July 7 - Bomb explosions tore through three London subway trains and a red double-decker bus in a deadly terror attack today, killing at least 37 people in coordinated rush hour carnage that left the city stunned, bloodied but stoic.

Only one day after the British capital erupted in joy at winning the 2012 Olympic competition over such cities as Paris and New York, commuters packed in the city's subways -- the Tube -- were plunged into the city's perennial nightmare of a subterranean bloodbath....

A win for Chicago today, then terrorist bombings on the city's public transportation system tomorrow? Can you imagine?

The smug satisfaction of the right would have been off the charts.