According to this site, there's going to be a "Worldwide Day of Prayer to Heal Trig Palin."

(That's the bumper sticker -- it's $4.49.)
The people who run the site say they're "tired of the media attacks on Trig Palin." And they think anyone who thinks God doesn't answer prayers is a dirty atheist. So they've chosen next April 18 (Trig's birthday) as a day of prayer.
They're not doing very well so far -- the prayer team has only seven or eight people, and they've had some nasty commenters and problems with their Web site:
The main site is hosted by a friend who found Satan moving upon his heart and failed to resist. He suddenly decided that he would rather not host the site after all. I'm praying for him, and hope you will, too.
But that's not all Satan had in store! He's definitely afraid that people will see God's Majesty displayed, and will turn to Him and away from perversion, fornication, and false religions!
In attempts to relocate the main site, things aren't routing properly. The hosting company is now looking into it, because the problem doesn't make sense. So, my friend is hosting it until the relocation is straightened out.
Expect a few more days of trouble with the main site until it is fixed, and accept my apologies!
....Good news!
The hosting company was able to "force" the fix, and now the site is at its permanent location!
No more downtime! Glory!
Wow! Can a miracle cure for Trig be far behind?
Look, I'm being snarky, but I don't really want to interfere with what these people are doing. They seem harmless. But really -- if you actually believe God might someday cure someone's Down's syndrome, wouldn't it be better to cure it in someone who has a family that's overworked and not wealthy, rather than the son of a woman with no job and a multimillion-dollar book deal?
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