Tuesday, January 02, 2007


From Lucianne.com this morning, in response to this New York Times article:

Isn't that swell. It's not enough to have absolutely no sense of responsibility for the mess that's been created by policies you've advocated and cheered on for years -- Lady of the Manor Lucianne has the gall to shake her walking stick at the filthy wogs because they beg to set foot on her estate.

And I don't know which comment from her peanut gallery disgusts me most -- is it the one that accuses Iraqis of "hyperventilating about what will happen when our military leaves"? Or is it this one?

If iraqis are leaving America, it is because there is so much new hope in their country. They want to live at home, and not in America; it was their haven until saddam was gone.

Ignorant scum.

And as for the literal truth of "There's no room," I spent most of the past week in New Mexico, a state the size of Italy that has fewer people than Brooklyn, and it's far from the only sparsely populated state in this country. Gee, Lucianne, I know you're my neighbor, but I thought it was liberals who confuse the Upper West Side with America.

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