I have a flexi-disc from 1982 called "Reagan Speaks for Himself." It's a Reagan interview re-edited by a guy named Doug Khan; the disc was bound into issue #4 of Art Spiegelman's magazine RAW. I played it tonight (yeah, I'm an old guy -- I still have a turntable), then I started to wonder if anyone had ever uploaded it to the Internet.
Well, James Allenspach at Empty-Handed.com used to have it up, but no longer. However, his site did direct me to a source for that and a lot more audio that's apropos right now: WFMU's "Hyper-Patriotic Blowout" Reagan radio show from last night. Lots of entertainment here. You can listen to the whole show or individual tracks (not always precisely cued up, but that's nitpick). Start with "Reagan Speaks for Itself." It'll dissipate some of the week's sanctimony.
(By the way, when RAW #4 came out I recall reading an interview with Art Spiegelman in which he said he wanted to have the flexi-disc pressed domestically, but he couldn't find a company in America that was willing to do it -- Eva-Tone, I think, which was the main U.S. company making flexi-discs at the time, refused him out of fear of getting in trouble with the government.)
Oh, and you should definitely go to the the Empty-Handed.com home page and vote in the Reagan poll.