Wonder how the Bush administration is responding to the fact that ABC News was able to ship depleted uranium into the country undetected for the second year in a row? Well, it's doing just what you'd expect: It's shooting the messenger.
...federal authorities are threatening criminal charges against ABC News reporters who smuggled harmless depleted uranium into the country for a second time during an investigation of border inspections.
Some quoted in the AP article think the Justice Department may not really file charges. But the strategy is still to focus on the people who breached security rather than the people -- or policies -- that failed to prevent the breach.
Oh, and since it's 9/11, you might want to read David Corn's Nation article on all the things we're not doing to make the country more secure, with some speculation on the reasons for the administration's priorities (short version: Bush hates regulation, prefers war). I love this:
...one good example of bureaucratic lack of imagination was provided (unintentionally) by Al Martinez-Fonts, a top [Tom] Ridge aide, in an interview for PBS's NOW With Bill Moyers this past March. Asked why the government had not moved to regulate security at chemical plants, he replied that on September 11 "it was not chemical plants that were blown up."