Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I was venting semi-coherently last night about the postponement of the recall and my feeling that it might actually help the GOP, and now here's this, in a San Francisco Chronicle story:

In the 48 hours after the ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco to delay the election, Republican sources say more than $2 million poured into the state party from donors outraged at the ruling.

Rescue California, the lead pro-recall committee, sent out an e-mail to 15,000 backers on Monday and had what spokesman Phil Paule called the campaign's "single best day," receiving thousands of dollars in small donations from people furious at the federal court's decision.

"This changes our whole dynamic all of a sudden," said Paule.

And Republicans are spinning this in a way that jibes perfectly with what I was saying last night:

"There are a lot of Republicans who are red-hot mad that liberal judges are thwarting the will of millions of voters," said Sean Walsh, spokesman for the Schwarzenegger campaign.

Others said it is just a matter of time before the focus shifts from the courts to the Democratic establishment they represent, led by Davis. "For those people who believed the political class was out of control, I think it certainly re-emphasizes that," said Wayne Johnson, who was a strategist for Simon's campaign.

"It's a very liberal, partisan court," said [McClintock campaign director John] Feliz. "As a consequence, they can be easily tied to the Democrats."

However, the Chronicle story also has this:

The court's ruling Monday may have revived the candidacy of Republican businessman Bill Simon, who said he might re-enter the replacement race he dropped out of three weeks ago if the election is held in March.

"If it took place in March, I'd look at getting back in," Simon told The Chronicle Tuesday.

And there's also speculation that Schwarzenegger might drop out. (But I don't believe that will happen for a minute -- the "tough scrutiny" he's been subjected to it is rolling off him like water off a duck's butt.)

Stay tuned....