In a terrorist attack, fire and police departments are not really "first responders."
The NYPD isn't any more important to our national defense than, say, the police department of Helena, Montana.
The fact that George W. Bush spent a few hours at Ground Zero without a mask a few days after 9/11 and is still healthy means that there couldn't possibly be a health risk to workers who were at The Pile day in and day out for weeks and months, sometimes working extraordinarily long days.
All of this, of course, is being said because the call for more federal aid to New York City cops and firefighters is coming from the hated Hillary Clinton, who has also criticized the EPA's cover-up of the toxicity of Ground Zero's air.
If these right-wingers had kids with cancer and Hillary Clinton personally discovered the cure, I swear I seriously believe some of them would choose to let the kids die.