The guys at want a million Americans to post the Ten Commandments on their front lawns.
No, let me correct that: They want a million Americans to buy their Ten Commandments signs (at $19.95 a pop) and post them on their front lawns.
No, let me correct that again: They want a million people to post the Ten Commandments, then they want the ACLU and the rest of us socialist-atheist godless liberals to get hopping mad and sue them ("we can watch as the ACLU and its deceived followers go absolutely crazy over the thousands, if not millions of 10 Commandments displays cropping up all over the American landscape").
Dumbasses. They don't get it: The ACLU believes you have an inalienable right to display the Ten Commandments on your own property. You just don't have the right to slather your religion all over public property in a pluralistic society in which people of every belief and nonbelief system are equal citizens.
You know who'll really try to compel homeowners with Ten Commandments lawn signs to remove them?
Not atheists. Not liberals. Not the ACLU.
Neighborhood associations.
And when this happens, you know who'll defend the Ten Commandments sign owners -- or who'll at least offer to?
And as an atheist, I agree with that.